You have made me glad

1:56 AM Es Elle 0 Comments

well it is another late night and I figured I would type for a bit before I sleep. It's kind of crazy; just evaluating myself and things that people say to me and about me. I have had a lot of things going on the past year (actually couple of years) that have really been testing of my character, faith, personality and what makes me, me. I have to say through it all; I am still me. and it is so nice to know that and say that. I have seen so many people become hard, hostile, unfriendly and down right negative about everything because of things they have been through. I have people ask me "How do you do it?" "How are you not 'freaking out' or 'going off'?" or "How are you still so nice?" haha and it kind of caught me off guard that people would ask because I'm thinking "Why wouldn't I be nice?" "Why should I freak out? or go off on someone?"
Then I started to think about what really makes me that way opposed to others around me. For me it comes naturally because that is the way I have always been. Yes. I do get frustrated. Yes. I do get mad. and I am pessimistic at times but maybe its seeing the people who are like that all the time that makes me want to be different. I am sure partly it was the way I was raised and I believe that with a smile and soft voice you can calm down just about anyone. Why make matters worse when you can be the one to make it better? One concept that I learned a looong time ago that I never understood how people could not grasp is: "Treat others as you would want to be treated." and honestly I think this is what I think about every time I think bad things on someone or about to do or say something to someone that is not nice and I just bite my tongue. I have my faults, definitely. But, I do know that the Lord forgives me hourly, daily; so why should I not forgive someone else? Every person you meet is for a reason and think of it (as Plato says) that everyone is fighting a battle. If every person you come in contact with, you thought about maybe they are fighting a battle that I, you and maybe no one knows about, you will have a heart of compassion for that person and will have a smile and a soft voice in hopes to brighten their day. So if you are one of those people who wonder where my joy comes from; I have one answer to sum up this post: the Lord - my Shield, my Strength, my Portion, Deliverer, my Shelter, Strong Tower, my very Present Help in time of need. *Goodnight*

Listening to: When God Ran - Phillips, Craig and Dean ~ I can never get tired of this song about forgiveness

Quote of the night: "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." - Proverbs 4