48 Hour Painting

2:48 PM Es Elle 0 Comments

My mother came down this weekend and we painted all day Friday and Saturday. We managed to get the kitchen and living room painted, one pair of curtains put up and everything back in place in those 2 days. It already looks like a completely different place, It's amazing! I have some a lot of before and after pictures to show. Remember, we have not fully decorated and put all of the curtains and pictures up and all but the paint job makes it look amazingly better! I was so worn out from all that painting, I slept 13 hrs last night! So now that I should be studying, all I can think about is decorating and all I want to do! haha I hope you are all having a great weekend. Enjoy my transformation and I will update when I finish putting up curtains and pictures. Some of the before pictures are when we first looked at it with the previous owners furniture in there and then some are when we moved everything in.!





Quote of the Day: If we can recognize that change and uncertainty are basic principles, we can greet the future and the transformation we are undergoing with the understanding that we do not know enough to be pessimistic. - Hazel Henderson