Christmas List begins..

12:58 PM Es Elle 0 Comments

Subconsciously, I have already been thinking about things that I want need and decided I would just ask for them for Christmas… I am sure this list will continue to grow for the next 4 months. I have been wanting a bike for about 2 years now and being in Auburn, everyone rides bikes and so I thought this would be perfect! Rachael and I were going to get Mountain bikes for Christmas last year and she ended up moving to CA so I tossed the idea to the side, until I moved here! The next item I desperately need is a new Bible. My Bible is completely falling apart but at the same time I really treasure it because I have underlined so many great verses in it and in the back I made a list of "verses to live by" and the subject that the scripture pertains to. I felt this helped me when I was struggling with a certain area of life, I would look in the back to the verses that inspired me and read them. I am sort of picky about my Bibles so I should probably pick out the exact Bible I would want! ha The last one (for now) is a pink iphone case! :)
On another note, it is 59 degrees today and Saturday it was definitely 95 degrees! It has literally gone from summer to winter over night. I cannot stand cold weather and am thinking I should just migrate south. The weather has been insane here with raining and tornados, but despite it I am having a wonderful week. I hope you all are having a great Tuesday! Thank the Lord for having Monday off due to Labor Day! I was able to catch up on a lot of school work and finished my practice PCAT in which I now know I have LOTS of studying to do. Here are a few ideas of my beginning Christmas list...

Mountain Bike or Cruiser? either way… must be PINK

A Bible

PINK Iphone 4 Case

Quote of the Day: Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future. - Beverly Flanigan