
8:29 PM Es Elle 0 Comments

I know that it is already half way through the month AND it has been a while since I have blogged. Let's just say, I haven't had much of a life the past month with all the school work I have to do. I have barely had time to keep my place clean. I did, however, go to the Auburn/Florida game together and had a fabulous time with my brother and friends. It was a great game to go to, the weather was nice and Auburn won!! Yippeeee!! SO... I have had some time to think about the month of October and why I love it so much. Different things kept coming to mind about this month and I thought I would share. 

1. Breast Cancer Awareness Month
2. the good football games start
3. the weather is beginning to cool off but not too cold
5. the leaves are beginning to change and fall off
6. it's getting darker early (most people would see this as a negative thing but I think it will help with me getting in bed earlier… let's hope)
6. You can find anything you could ever want in the color PINK (hence #1)
7. My Father's birthday is this month
8. I have not had to turn on my AC the whole month!
9. 2 months until CHRISTMAS!
10. Winter shopping begins…
11. Pumpkin carving :)
12. It's not abnormal to eat 3 bags of Candy Corn in 2 weeks!
13. Coco's grooming are less frequent so she can stay warm! which means more presents for her!!!

Not to be pessimistic, but just to put it out there; my LEAST favorite thing about this month is the scary movies on television and movie theaters. I am not a fan of horror movies and every time I turn on the television there is either an actual scary movie on or a preview for one. YUCK!
If you can think of anything I am missing or perhaps you just want to share what your favorite things are about this month, let me know! :) I hope you all have been having a good month… savor the rest of it because the holidays are right around the corner! :) I am highly looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, I may even decide to be a betty homemaker and cook something! 

Quote of the Night:  All things on earth point home in old October; sailors to sea, travellers to walls and fences, hunters to field and hollow and the long voice of the hounds, the lover to the love he has forsaken. ~ Thomas Wolfe