SATC 3.10
Well I suppose this one excerpt from Sex and the City speaks to me loud and clear. Let's just say over the years, I have suddenly gained the special flaw of indecisiveness. I am not sure what happened or where I really went wrong? I used to be so sure about every decision I made and what I wanted. I do think that I know what I want but I think most of the time either it seems it doesn't exist these days or it's unattainable. It used to be BIG decisions I had a hard time making because I never wanted to make the wrong choice. Now, Do I want the Organic cheese that's $10.00 because it's healthy or the Kraft Cheese that's $4.00 because it's cheap and well I am a broke college student but I am also 25 and feel like I'm getting up in age and do not need to play around with putting processed foods in my body. Ok, that is just a little ten seconds of what goes through my mind when I do something as simple as grocery shopping. and this is for EVERY item that I buy. You would not believe how long I stay in the grocery store, especially if I am by myself. I sure wish I knew a way to get rid of this horrible bug I've caught! It literally drives me crazy and I know it drives others around me crazy too. Maybe it's just a part of growing up and realizing you won't ever have it all. It's been a pretty rough week for me and I really wish I could relax and enjoy this Thanksgiving break but thank you to my chemistry professor I will be having my 3rd test the Monday after. So, I will be studying this whole weekend and I am sure make time to blog as it may be my only break from studying.Modern women have been told that we can be anything we want -
an astronaut, the head of an Internet company, a stay-at-home mom.
There aren't any rules. choices are endless.
And apparently, they can all be delivered to your door.
Is it possible that we've gotten so spoiled by choices
that we've become unable to make one?
That we know that once you choose something,
one man, one great apartment, one amazing job,
another option goes away?
Are we a generation who can't choose just one from column 'A'?
Did we have too much to handle, or was Samantha right?
can we have it all?
~ Carrie Bradshaw
Listening to: Oh Come Let Us Adore Him - Celine Dion