I'm the Wanderer

9:33 AM Es Elle 0 Comments

I know it's been a while, and I can say that I miss it so much! I have been extremely busy with finals and honestly I should be doing that right now but I decided to take a couple minutes of my day to blog right quick. It has been a crazy past week, you would be shocked at the many things that can happen in a week but I am not going there this morning. So as I am folding my t shirts this morning, I came across this - back to back. and well it got me thinking...

Am I wavering in the team I stand for? Yes, I have been an Alabama fan my whole life and yes, I am going to school to Auburn. So who do I go for? Does it even matter? Does this apply to other areas of my life, where I claim to be one thing and wear another? Maybe it's me overanalyzing the situation, but regardless I have had some things in my personal life to make me question where I stand. I guess it comes down to the fact that when it comes to sports, I could really care less. But when it comes to relationships, I tend to care too much. I guess life would be pretty boring if we had all of the answers, right? Hope everyone is safe after the events of last week and for those who have no idea what I am talking about, I'm saving that for another day. *HAPPY SUNDAY*

Quote of the Day: "We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person." - William Maugham