Time to Study

2:30 PM Es Elle 0 Comments

I am having a bit of trouble deciding on the colors for the rest of my place. I have bought most of my furniture but cannot decided where I want to go with the rooms. My study room is the next room I am wanting to finish most, because every time I walk into it to study, I cannot because it drives me crazy that it is not finished! As of right now, it is a BRIGHT orange and I cannot handle it. I have found some rooms of inspiration on what I want to do. In case, I get a roommate I am always wanting to put some sort of furniture in it for someone to sleep on, whether it be a futon or a bed. This one I liked the most:

I have a day bed and so I am thinking this would work best with the room and just put my own little touch to it. I have no time to finish these things and when I do, I do not even know where to start! I am knew to the whole painting part of decorating so it's taking me a while to get things going. My bathroom is finished painting but its still lacking a light fixture and a couple of other touches. Once it is done, I will put up some pictures of the transformation :) Hope you all have a great holiday weekend! 

Listening to: Let Him Fly - Patty Griffin

Quote of the day: "Let nothing disturb thee; Let nothing dismay thee; All thing pass; God never changes. Patience attains All that it strives for. He who has God Finds he lacks nothing:God alone suffices.” -  St. Teresa of Avila


PANIC Monday

7:12 PM Es Elle 0 Comments

Today has probably been one of the worst MOndays I have had in a long time. Let me just tell you that throughout this whole day, I was about as optimistic as they come, believing this day was going to get better but nope. Not in the cards for me today. To start it off, I slept through my alarm. Pat's bowl had a layer of bubbles around the top and I thought maybe he was suffocating or dying so I was freaking out about that. Ran around trying to get ready for class and had to run out the door to catch the transit in enough time to get to class or I thought. Got to campus and had NO CLUE  where my class was. After walking all over the place, I finally found it and was 15 minutes late. So I leave there and come back to walk Coco and regroup my thoughts to finish out this fabulous day. I decide to try the commuter way with my car since I have to go to a bookstore to buy yet another lab manual. Go figure, I spend 45 minutes trying to find a bookstore that does not exist and realize I have 30 minutes until class. I go park my car and get out and realize I have no idea, again, where I am. Like a "True Freshman" I have my 100 lb book bag on my back and a huge map out trying to figure my location in 90 degree weather, only to realize that I have to walk around the entire stadium to even get to the area where my building might be. So I was 15 minutes late for this class, drenched in sweat about to pass out. Next, is one of my labs. SO once again I am searching for this building with my map out and decide to take my book bag off when my bra completely unsnaps and I have maintenance men staring at me. So I set down everything I have in my hand on the bench trying to be inconspicuous and my papers begin to fly all over campus. So once again, I get my things, go to the bathroom, gain composure and going to finish out this fabulous day after my lab. I get to lab only to find out that I have about 500 terms about the muscles and tissue to have memorized by Wed. WEDNESDAY! 2 DAYS!!!!! I'm not sure if you got that? I have to be able to look into a microscope and identify which muscle or tissue that is, where it is located in the body, what the parts of each one is and what the function is. INSANENESS! ok so once that class is over, I find a nice girl to drive me back to my car because I had walked the whole campus and had no idea where I was or where my car is. I get to my car and back out of my parking place, sitting completely still, and some freshman hits me from behind! thats it. my day is done. PERFECT DAY! 

BUT….the optimist that I am, I will tell you two fantabulous things that made my day:

1. Coco peed on her pad! proud mom 

2. Pat's bubblenest is due to him loving his home and being happy! success

Quote of the day: Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. 
The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict. -- William Ellery, Founding Father

Listening to: Tim Mcgraw - Taylor Swift



11:09 PM Es Elle 0 Comments

Welcome the new addition to the Family!
not too sure how I feel about the name, 
but a friend insisted, for it represents a little bit of UA in my AU world.

Isn't he just so pretty? haha I bought a zen castle for him to swim through but it 
would not fit in the bowl so I am going to get something new tomorrow. 
I would like to lie and say I did some painting today but that is a big negative. 
Hoping for more productive days tomorrow! 
I am going to try a new church in this area so I will let you know how that goes. 

Quote of the night: Chance is always powerful. Let your hook always be cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be fish. - Ovid


Master Suite in the making...

9:56 AM Es Elle 0 Comments

SO I am only putting up before and after pictures as we go along because I am too ashamed of what the before pictures look like without having the finished product. Check it out for yourself! :)

Before ANYTHING was done to it. ewwwww nasty walls and carpet (not my furniture)

OK now as you can see, the carpet was replaced with hardwoods - THANK GOD

this is what I had to live in for about a week... horrible

Drum Roll Please......



You can see how a little paint can go a long way in a room. It made a HUGE difference.
I love my new bedroom! Up next... the bathroom! Stay tuned. 
This is my first class today, I'll let you know how it goes!

Quote of the day: Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.


what a weekend...

9:28 PM Es Elle 0 Comments

Hopefully, I will soon be back in my routine of blogging soon enough. I have missed it so much but have been extremely busy with everything that has been going on. I am moved into my place and took a trip to ATL on Friday to Ikea to find my lovely furniture. I was soon to find out that a very dear person had passed away. I then had a bridal shower and bridal teas to attend before driving down to the funeral. What a whirl wind the past week has been and it is a shame that life goes by so fast. Death is a term I will never really understand but if there is one thing I do know is that I have realized what I do and do not want people to remember me for. She was such a graceful, funny and loving christian woman. These are qualities I want people to think of me as when I leave this world. I began to think about death and how it's so hard to understand it. It is so strange to see someone so full of life one day and then completely void of life the next. A friend told me that we should not be upset because it is not the body that we know but the soul and that the soul we will see again in heaven. It does not seem fair in our minds because we see the body and that is what we are familiar with and what we want here with us again. The soul is what we know, the personality, the spirit, the character, the thing that decided the actions of the now void body. When I pass, I do not want people to see just a body and not remember a great soul. We should all strive to live our lives accordingly, as history makers, life changers, making a difference in this minuscule time that we have on this lovely planet. I know my blogs have been very contemplative and I have not spoken much of the move and the decorating but they will be soon to come. I have had what seems like one crisis after another and the decorating will have to wait but stay posted, I will be blogging more and putting up some new pics of my new place. *love*

Quote of the day: Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal - 2 Corinthians 4:16-18



9:02 PM Es Elle 0 Comments

Friday was my last day at work which was a very very emotional day for me. I moved all my things out of the apartment and to my new place! Well I didn't actually do hardly any of it. My wonderful family did all of for me. I packed up everything but it was def a family affair. My mother, father, two brothers and uncle moved everything down. I am sure the girl we bought the place from was like "what in the world??" when I showed up with 5 of my family members! ha Words cannot even express how thankful I am for them. It was the first time our whole immediate family has been together, just us, in a really long time and now that I think about it, I wish I would have gotten a picture. My mother stayed with me for the first night and left today. We unpacked and worked all day! I took her out to eat for Mother's Day and then we continued to do even more work around here. It's definitely not finished but it's getting closer and closer. I am so thankful that she stayed to help me. She is such and inspiration to me and my number one role model. I honestly do not know where I would be if it wasn't for her constant love and compassion pushing me forward through the ups and downs of life. She has taught me what it means to be strong, committed, ethical, compassionate, hard working, conservative, mannerly, forgiving and most of all, the true meaning of love. I owe everything I am, to my mother. I love you, mom! 

Two Quotes of the Night: 

A daughter is a mother's gender partner, her closest ally in the family confederacy, an extension of her self.  And mothers are their daughters' role model, their biological and emotional road map, the arbiter of all their relationships.  ~Victoria Secunda

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me.  They have clung to me all my life.  ~Abraham Lincoln


I'm the Wanderer

9:33 AM Es Elle 0 Comments

I know it's been a while, and I can say that I miss it so much! I have been extremely busy with finals and honestly I should be doing that right now but I decided to take a couple minutes of my day to blog right quick. It has been a crazy past week, you would be shocked at the many things that can happen in a week but I am not going there this morning. So as I am folding my t shirts this morning, I came across this - back to back. and well it got me thinking...

Am I wavering in the team I stand for? Yes, I have been an Alabama fan my whole life and yes, I am going to school to Auburn. So who do I go for? Does it even matter? Does this apply to other areas of my life, where I claim to be one thing and wear another? Maybe it's me overanalyzing the situation, but regardless I have had some things in my personal life to make me question where I stand. I guess it comes down to the fact that when it comes to sports, I could really care less. But when it comes to relationships, I tend to care too much. I guess life would be pretty boring if we had all of the answers, right? Hope everyone is safe after the events of last week and for those who have no idea what I am talking about, I'm saving that for another day. *HAPPY SUNDAY*

Quote of the Day: "We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person." - William Maugham