Snowed In

10:46 PM Es Elle 0 Comments

This is the second day to be snowed into my apartment and I can just say that I am bored out of my mind. I feel like I am beginning to get delirious. I have slept for hours and hours. I have eaten and eaten. I even went to the apartment gym to workout in which I have not done since the creaper was stalking me. All night I have shopped and shopped and shopped online. This snow has been great for the internet shopping but horrible for my checking account. I feel like there is so much I need to be doing right now but of course cannot think of it. I am sure I will think of it tomorrow while I'm at work busy as heck and have no time to do ANYTHING. This Auburn game is on and I can honestly say that I do not give a rats butt about this game. Good News: I was accepted to Auburn but I am definitely not going there because of the team (although Phillip swears I will be an Auburn fan before I leave). I feel like I have so much on my mind but do not even know where to begin. Doing all of this online shopping really made me miss my dreams of owning my own boutique business but I can only have hopes that still maybe one day I will. I just hate things have happened the way they have the past 8 months. Everything was so perfect. Why? Why was it not enough? And now "it is"? I can't just go back to that life and those dreams like nothing happened. There are scars and they are deep and I will have side effects for a long time. So for now I have to go with this plan and this dream and maybe one day I will be home again.