All Things are Possible

8:13 PM Es Elle 0 Comments

Well a lot has happened in the past month but I think it is all in God's will for my life. I am so excited about the new life I am beginning and finally focusing on myself and where I need to be.
I called a patient the other day to confirm his apt. at work and he expressed that he would not be able to come because he had lost his wife and had to work some things out and just as I thought that would be the end of the conversation he began to open up to me. He told me that him and his wife had been married to each other for 50 something years and he explained her dying has been "hell" for him and that he hopes that no one ever has to feel the pain that he is feeling. His exact words were "I think the man should leave this world before the woman because I think that women can cope better with these things. I do not know what to do with myself. I am a wreck."
As sad as it was to hear those words, it was also reassuring that there is still that kind of love out there. I mean this was many many years ago and it seems as the more time is going by, the higher the divorce rate is becoming and less committed people are or even want to be. But, I do know that God is true to His promises and all I can do is trust Him that all things are possible! :)